Odysseus Courage Quotes

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Courage: Strength in the face of pain or grief.

One example from the text that shows odysseus have courage is found in book 10 of the odyssey, in lines 45-47, Odyssey says, “Agents this advice however, odysseus rushes to save his man from the enchantress.”(387). odyssey wanted to show Eurylochus that he has strength in pain or grief.

One example from the text that shows Cummings have courage is found in book from the good soldiers . In lines 30-39, Cummings says, “So he was standing on a street with his bleeding daughter at his side. afraid that she was going to die. “The only hope you have is getting her to an American hospital?” Cummings asked, repeating what izzy had just said. Izzy started …show more content…

In lines 39-40, Cummings says “And thats when things got complicated. Even this war had its rules, and one of them covers who could be treated at an American Aid facility.”(115). Cummings his job on the line for getting help for his daughter.

Humility Humility: when you don't brag

One example from the text that shows odysseus does not have the incredible heroic trait of humility is found in book 9 of the odyssey. In lines 416-419, odysseus says, “cyclops. / if ever mortal man inquire/how you were put shame and blind, tell him/odysseus , radar of cites took your eye; / Leate’s son, whose home’s on ithanca!”(384). Odysseus wanted the cyclops to know who to credit for blinding him. His bragging almost cost him and hitmen their lives.

One example from the text that shows Cummings have the incredible heroic trait of humility is found on page 120 of the Good Soldiers. In lines 150-152, Cummings says,”man ,I haven’t felt this good since i got to this hellhole”. Patience

Patience: Not getting angry or …show more content…

Odysseus says, “ she disguises him as an old man, so that he can surprise the suitors , and then urges him to visit his faithful swineherd, Eumanvs. (401). odysseus wonted to show he’s not

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