Nutrition Personal Statement

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As a competitive swimmer in both high school and college, I was committed to physical fitness, but I struggled with my weight. After unsuccessful attempts at fad dieting and unsustainable calorie restriction, I learned basic nutrition concepts that guided my food choices and enabled me to maintain a healthy weight. This experience inspired me to increase the depth of my knowledge and earn a degree in nutrition and food science from Wayne State University. After earning a degree and working in the field, I was determined to continue my education in Madonna University’s Didactic Program in Dietetics. I aspire to become a registered dietitian to promote nutrition education in the community setting in order to address health conditions and encourage …show more content…

My weakness is that at times I have difficulty asking superiors for help checking in clients when we are understaffed, so lately I have been working on asking for support in order to improve the timeliness of client services in the clinic. I am getting valuable experience at WIC where I utilize care plans written by dietitians and maintain diet records. I practice effective counseling techniques to ensure that our clients begin to make positive dietary changes. To enhance these skills, I have participated in extensive professional development that includes Advanced Client-Centered trainings run by the state WIC registered dietitians. This training helped me develop a rapport with clients who feel overwhelmed or reluctant to change, and has prepared me to enter the internship. My strength of providing a client-centered approach to nutrition education was recognized at WIC, and I was chosen to help lead staff in-service trainings on effective counseling techniques. Throughout my time at WIC, I have noticed that new staff members often feel overwhelmed once they begin to work alone in the clinic, so I took the initiative to compile a binder of reference materials that includes policies and procedures for new staff members to utilize while learning the position. …show more content…

Demonstrating dependable and conscientious work habits, I was subsequently trained and entrusted with the responsibilities of a dietary clerk. This position required room visits and additional interactions with residents to ensure patient satisfaction with meals. Working alongside a registered dietitian allowed me to observe modified diets that provide proper nutrition to address the individual health conditions of residents. My supervisor recognized my meticulous work habits and entrusted me to supervise tray-line and perform tray accuracy audits to ensure that trays met proper nutritional requirements. My experience working with a registered dietitian in a long-term care setting and my experience as a dietary clerk allowed me to become comfortable entering patients’ rooms and interacting with them in the clinical setting. I am looking forward to developing these skills as an

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