Nursing Uti Case Studies

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A urinary tract infection or UTI during pregnancy can be a recurring dilemma, and if left untreated it can lead to other dire health complications. The urinary tract, especially for pregnant women is the perfect host of unwanted bacteria. The reason for this is that as your uterus expands, it makes it simpler for bacteria breeding around your anus from fecal matter and even on your skin as well as from the toilet seat, to find its way up your urethra. UTIs are common in women who are in the first and second trimester of their pregnancy.

What is a UTI?

A urinary tract infection is an infection of the urinary system beginning from your urethra, and it could also affect the bladder, uterus, and kidneys. Typical cases are of the lower urinary tract, but if left untreated it could have serious complications if it spreads to the uterus or even the kidneys. …show more content…

You experience pain during sex.
The is tenderness and pressure of the bladder.
In severe conditions, you may have a backache, chills, fever, nausea and vomiting.
Will a UTI Affect the Baby?

A UTI normally is harmless to the fetus. However, if it spreads to your kidneys, it could trigger early labor as well as have a baby with a low birth weight.

Diagnosis and Treatment of a UTI

Your doctor or obstetrician will examine your urine sample whether or not you are experiencing the symptoms of a UTI. If the culture results indicate that indeed you do have a UTI, then a full dose of antibiotics will be administered to treat the infection. Recurrences of a UTI are frequent especially during pregnancy, and if this happens then, another dose of antibiotics will be prescribed to treat and prevent the infection from recurring.

Home remedies and prevention tips for a UTI include:

1.Always be hydrated.

Always ensure that your body is properly hydrated. Drink approximately 2 liters of water per day. The water helps flush out the harmful bacteria in your urinary tract.

2.Urinate when you need

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