Patient-Centered Nursing: Achieving Desirable Outcomes

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THE GOAL OF NURSING PRACTICES- The goal of nursing practice is and was to achieve the most expected and desirable patient care out-come. For example, the concept of patient-centred nursing has been the goal for some time. To achieve the patient-centred nursing, nurses pay attention to each patient individually and make out the requirement what they need. For the record one patients needs never limited to their physical and biomedical but it may extend to their personal, social, emotional and psychological needs as well depending the patients. In order to get the most desirable outcome for each and every patient, nurses first tries to identify the problems of each patient. We have already discussed the same model in this study in earlier …show more content…

The main reason of describing the fault with this scenario is the government of Japan is much more lost than the funding of the care delivery systems. The direct reason of medical care system is much more distributed to all over the Japan because with all kind of different medical sections are not well connected with their patient database to each other. Not only are that in Japan there almost 20 type of hospitals operating independently. In the following chat 1 can describe the hospitals structure of Japan which is mostly accounted almost 67 percent. Medical Corporation in Japan are mainly working by dividing themselves in two sections, one is with contribution interest and second is without. The corporation with interest of contribution are most likely fully private operated, and the sector s without contributors are based on by founder families so the owners can decide their structures it …show more content…

It considered as a big problem in reform of the care delivery system between national and public hospitals. But since those mentioned 143 hospitals are standalone facilities so their collective power is week. Other institutions under MHLW are also in the same situation. Even in same districts because of the over investment and other faults made these hospitals in a big problem, just because they neglected the overall situation from the very beginning. These facilities under MHLW also compete with the national university hospitals which are under jurisdiction of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

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