Nursing Case Study Ppa

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1. Medical Conditions/Diagnosis:
Pa has a diagnosis of HTN, CAD, hyperlipidemia, seizures, and ataxia. The Pa suffered a stroke 04/26/2013. Pa experience many residual medical complications following the stroke. These conditions cause pain, weakness, fatigue unsteady gait, agitation, ataxia and aphasia is present due to Pa’s stroke. Pa’s spouse supervises Pa when Pa completes daily ADLs because Pa is a fall risk and is not able to stand for more than a few minutes at a time.
2. Skilled medical care/services- Required:
PCP monitors every first week of the month.

3. Skilled medical care/services- Required:
Pa manages most ADLs independently with supervision and set-up from an informal support (Pa’s spouse). Without Pa's spouse's support, Pa would require high level services and oversight. Pa's spouse is independent and consistently available and able to assist Pa. Pa requires assistance in and out of tub due to fall risk, Pa is able to wash herself in a tub chair and the use of hand help shower, but Pa requires supervision when bathing due to uncoordinated movement from her DX of Ataxia and memory loss from the stroke. Pa reports to dress herself, but Pa’s spouse supervises. Due to Pa's inability to stand for long periods of time, Pa requires hands-on assistance with all IADLs including meal …show more content…

Pa’s spouse seems to care and seems to be involved with Pa's care and well-being, as well as monitoring. Pa’s spouse and Pa both expressed a desire to locate more adequate housing, as Pa's current home consists only of a rented room and shared kitchen with three other units. The building has an older wooden staircase to enter their rented room and appears unable to support a stair ride. No obvious hazards or security issues were apparent, but their home is very small space with obvious structural issues for Pa in terms of entry into the home no railing outside and indoor

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