Nursery: Outdoor and Indoor Activity

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INTRODUCTION This observational critique will plan, implement and critically evaluate two activities within a maintained nursery school, designed to develop early scientific skills through growth both indoors and out. The learning outcomes for the activities will be taken from the revised Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) (EE, 2012) within one of the specific areas ‘Understanding the World’. It will also evaluate the important role of the practitioner when providing for the unique child within an enabling environment. OUTDOOR ACTIVITY SHEET Activity/Experience: Adult-led An autumnal walk to create a colour pallet using leaves, introduced by the story ‘Why do leaves change colour’ (Maestro, 1994) Main Learning Intentions: • To begin to investigate the changes in the autumnal environment. Main Links with EYFS: Understanding the World; Communication and Language • Notice detailed features of objects in their environment (EE, 2012, p39). • Shows understanding of prepositions such as ‘under’, ‘on top’, by carrying out an action(EE,2012, p18) Targeted Children: The key person group (Refer to Appendix 1) Date: 14.10.13 Time: 9.20am Adult/Child Ratio: 4:12 Place: The woodland area of the school. Context: (Links with previous events or learning/Topic/Other available activities/Weather/New children) The activity is linked to the current weekly planning impacted by the interests of the child. It is also in conjunction with a parental weekend walk with a child in the group, during which leaves were collected. Resources: Pre-set walk plan, prepared cardboard pallets, bags, magnifying glasses, visual prompt cards for LA. Vocabulary/Key wor... ... middle of paper ... ...cation Research Journal. 30(3) p367 – 385. Miller, L. Cable, C. And Devereux, J. (2005) Developing Early Years Practise. London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd. Niklasson, L & Sandberg, A. (2010) Children and the outdoor environment. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 18(4) p485-496, Rogers, J. and Rose, S. (2012) The Role of the Adult in Early Years Settings. Open University Press: Maidenhead Siry, C. Ziegler, G.& Max, C.(2012)“Doing Science” through discourse-in-interaction: Young Children’s Science Investigations at the Early Childhood Level. Science Education. 96(2) p311-326. Accessed 5/12/13. Tickell, C. (2011) The Early Years: Foundations for life, health and learning. London: Crown. [Online] available from: [Accessed: 4/12/2013]

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