Nurse Mentor Reflection

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This semester has been challenging, and a bit stressful for me. As I come to an end of Composition I, I have realized several things about myself. During this semester I had to work hard and try to manage to reach a considerable progress in my learning and I believe I have been successful so far. At least, I am hoping that I have been. During my time in Composition I, I was asked to write seven papers, including the one I am currently writing now. The topics on the papers ranged from description, subject of interest, analysis, persuasive, free choice, critical thinking, and a self-evaluation. The first paper for the semester was a descriptive paper. As soon as I was handed the syllabus, and I read the topic I knew right away what I wanted …show more content…

Honestly, at first I was quite confused on the topic, and was not sure exactly how to form my essay. What I did know right away was the topic I was going to write about. Right off the top of my head, I knew I often daydream about becoming a nurse one day. Becoming a pediatric nurse has been the dream of mine since the age of ten. Choosing the topic was the essay quest, selecting the obstacles of achieving that dream was the hard part. I know there are several obstacles one must overcome in order to achieve something, so that is what I was intended to explain in my paper. After endlessly researching, and finding articles online about others having the same obstacles I used that source, and cited (of course) to achieve writing my paper of a daydream of …show more content…

Honestly, on this paper I did not do as good as I had hoped for. When I chose to write about illegal immigration, I had this whole mind set on writing about the experiences I had gone through throughout my life. During the week of this paper I was quite stressed out, I barely had any sleep at all, and my work schedule was out of control with hardly one day off that week. Once I did find the time to sit down and start writing my mind shifted a whole different direction. What I had originally wanted to do with this paper was to persuasive people into thinking that racism is still something people still have to deal with today. Additionally, I wanted to add some personal experience into the paper, but eventually I ended up with something different, but still in the same category of

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