Nurse Manager Role Analysis

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The nurse manager is responsible for planning and managing the clinical and operational development of the director of nursing management in harmony with hospital policy .The role of the nurse manager in planning is effective in promoting patient's safety, satisfaction and specificy outcomes. The nurse director has also an important role in positive direction and reassurance to ancillary staff, other departments, and presenting educational program to provide direction of the personal for growth and advancement management services and monitors for quality outcomes in hospital management (Yasir,2003).

The primary role for nurse directors and hospital administrators is the planning and implementing effective health policies that will meet the …show more content…

These duties require a nurse manager to have adequate knowledge on the precepts and concepts, whichgovern the administration of the healthcare displine. An employer has the duty to help a nurse manager in her duties to ensure efficient administration in the center (Rosew,2013).

A performance management evaluation is a tool that business managers use to review a team member's performance, set aims for future performance, provide employee motivation and assess a team member's objectives. This evaluation is regularly performed on an annual basis; however, semiannual or quarterly performance management evaluations may be appropriatefor dynamic work environments. Simple strategies can help you design an evaluation that profits both you and your team member (Nelson,2010).

Good nursing managers are skilled at coordinating resources, both financial and staffs, following rules, and meeting the aims and objectives of the organization. Control is a key component of the role. Good managers also use reward and punishment effectively …show more content…

Performance judgment may be well-defined as a structured formal interaction between a subsidiaries and superior.It usually takes the procedure of a periodic interview, in which the work performance of the subordinate is observed and discussed, with a view to identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development In severalofficialdoms but not all evaluation results are used, either directly or indirectly, to help determine role (Lawrie, 2010).
The management function is necessary in ensuring that a company's staff is motivated, creative and stanch to their jobs. Traditionally, the nurse managers observer their workers' enactment through trimestralandan annual performance reviews. These sessions allow executives and personnel to determine the staff strengths and weaknesses in nursing management

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