Nuclear Power Persuasive Research Paper

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When the word “nuclear” is brought up in a conversation, the common idea that comes to mind is traditionally a huge, devastating explosion or possibly a plant such as the one at Fukushima exploding in a shower of radiation. Many undereducated people will say that nuclear power is not worth the risk and will point out nuclear disasters that have happened fairly recently, instantly closing any debate that might have been ensuing on the topic. However, though it may seem peculiar, these people are not helping the world by aiding in the anti-nuclear campaign, but instead are destroying the planet from the inside out. Most of the major problems people have today, such as global warming, poverty, world hunger and national security, could all be solved with a simple switch to nuclear power. With a nearly unlimited energy source, money would be better conserved, so bills and debts would go down dramatically. When the resulting flood of financially satisfied consumers make their way to stores, the economy would improve hundredfold. Since the stores would also be saving money on energy, water, and products, they wouldn’t have to raise prices anymore, making inflation nearly …show more content…

Although the accidents at Fukushima and Chernobyl were tragic, they had nothing to do with the nuclear source. They were the direct result of foolish people watching outdated machinery that they refused to replace for financial reasons. Nuclear power has been proven to be one of the safest possible energy sources available when cared for correctly. It even saves the environment by emitting no greenhouse gasses whatsoever, so going 100% nuclear would nearly stop all climate change. More people die at every other kind of power plant in the world than in nuclear facilities. As long as intelligent people are left to the machinery, there’s nothing to worry

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