Nt1310 Unit 7 Data Communication And Computer Networks

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Chapter 2
Consider a short, 10-meter link, over which a sender can transmit at a rate of 150 bits/sec in both directions. Suppose that packets containing data are 100,000 bits long, and packets containing only control (e.g., ACK or handshaking) are 200 bits long. Assume that N parallel connections each get 1/N of the link bandwidth. Now consider the HTTP protocol, and suppose that each downloaded object is 100 Kbits long, and that the initial downloaded object contains 10 referenced objects from the same sender. Would parallel downloads via parallel instances of non-persistent HTTP make sense in this case? Now consider persistent HTTP. Do you expect significant gains over the …show more content…

Also, 150 bits/second can be transmitted to and fro.
This is the case where each downloaded object can be completely put into one data packet.
Let P denote the one-way propagation delay between two communication party’s sender and receiver.

In the first case,

This is the case of Parallel downloads via non-persistent connections.
Parallel download would allow 10 connections share the 150 bits/sec bandwidth.
Therefore, each gets just 15 bits/sec.
Thus, the total time needed to receive all objects is given by:

(200/150+P + 200/150 +P + 200/150+P + 100,000/150+ P) + (200/ (150/10) +P + 200/ (150/10) + P + 200/ (150/10) +P + 100,000/ (150/10) +P)
= 7377 + 8*P (seconds)

In the second case,
This is the case of persistent HTTP connection case. The total time needed is given by:

(200/150+P + 200/150 +P + 200/150+P + 100,000/150+ P)+ 10*(200/150+P + 100,000/150+ P)
=7351 + 24*P (seconds)

We have speed of light = 3*106^8m/sec,
So, P = 10/ (3*10^8) = 0.03 microsecond.
But P is negligible compared with transmission delay T. Therefore, with parallel downloads, we can observe that the persistent HTTP does not have significant gain (less than 1 percent) over the non-persistent case. …show more content…

Use nslookup to find a Web server that has multiple IP addresses. Does the Web server of your institution (school or company) have multiple IP addresses?
From the above part (b), Yahoo.com and google.com are the web servers that have multiple IP addresses Also, the web server of my school has multiple IP Addresses (two addresses) as shown below,

e. Use the ARIN whois database to determine the IP address range used by your university.
The address range used by our university IUPUI is,
1. IUPUI Net:
2. IUPUI Net2:
f. Describe how an attacker can use whois databases and the nslookup tool to perform reconnaissance on an institution before launching an attack.
An attacker using whois database and nslookup can find out each and every IP Address and also the target IP Addresses the company is using by port mapping during or before his attack with their associated DNS servers.
G. Discuss why whois databases should be publicly available.

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