Not Speaking Up In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Reasons for Not Speaking up in the Novel Animal Farm When people see any injustices being done, most people would not speak up. In the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, this theory is proven on many different occasions. Even when it is obvious that Napoleon (the leader) is wrong, the animals do not speak up. Some possible reasons for the animals not speaking up could be that the animals were never educated to be critical thinkers and to notice anything. Another reason could be that the animals were scared and intimidated by their leader. Lastly, the animals could not have seen anything wrong since all their life’s they always had one leader that controlled them. The animals in the end of the novel never spoke up due to their fears …show more content…

So it would be reasonable for the animals not to stand up and say something to their “great” leader. An example of how Napoleon scares the animals into doing what he wants is by having the big dogs around him all the time. Those dogs were trained by Napoleon to be his guard dogs and whenever any animals did something wrong, the dogs would kill them alive in front of everyone. There was one occasion where some animals confessed to doing wrong and got their heads ripped off in front of everyone. Instead of the animals telling Napoleon that his behavior is wrong, the animals blame themselves for not working hard enough and due to this, their comrades have been killed. They blame themselves because they are afraid that if they blame Napoleon, then the same thing will happen to them as their past friends. Also once the pigs assume leadership, Fear is then used by the propaganda master Squealer when he stresses to the animals that they have to struggle in order to avoid Jones' return. Squealer uses the fear of Jones as sort of the ending to all arguments if any animal voices their discontent about life under the pigs. Orwell demonstrates that political regimes often use tools such as playing on fear as a way to consolidate their own power and ensure that there will not be any questioning of their ways. This is very much shown through the

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