Nosedive Use Of Visual Elements In Black Mirror

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Black Mirror is a critically acclaimed show known for the unique way it portrays technology and its’ harmful effects. One particular episode called “Nosedive” is very interesting because it focuses on social media which is very prominent in society. To properly convey the message of the episode the creator used visual elements, symbolism, and imagery. Visual elements such as, social media and clothing, provides insights into the mind of Lacie who is the main character. The imagery and symbolism illustrated what type the society in which she lived and the principles that is important. In the episode “Nosedive” social media is an important visual element because it determines a person’s worth. The higher a person is rated, the more they are …show more content…

It is set in a future with advanced technology like retina lens and electric cars. This futuristic technology is used to show that technology can blind society while making it harder for them know themselves and drive them to ruin. The purpose of technology is to make one’s life easier, however, it made Lacie’s life worse. In the episode, Lacie is looking for a house and finds one with many fancy features she wants to experience. However, she cannot afford it which sends her on a path of greed. The allure of the technology and comfort made her blind to the other options she could have chosen. At the end of the episode when Lacie has her high-tech retinal lens and phone taken away, she begins to see the world differently. She was freed from the thrall of technology, now she is experiencing life for …show more content…

The word nosedive means to dive or plummet. It is important to know the definition because it conveys an early message to the viewer on how this story will go. The beginning of a nosedive will always start at the top and that's where Lacie’s story begins. Lacie life seems great in the beginning because she is someone with a good rating and friends she can talk to. As the title suggests that did not last long, she eventually lost her good rating and ended up in confinement. She lost her technology that she was attached to and her feeling of belonging. The concept of a nosedive is interesting because no one would willingly do it and continue on a downward plunge if they have other options. Lacie had many chances to stop her situation from getting worse, however, she did not choose those routes. For example, when Lacie was at the airport and her point system was docked, she could have just returned home instead of carrying on. In spite of the ominous sounding nosedive, it resulted in Lacie’s benefit. She was at the bottom and her only choice is

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