Nora In A Doll's House

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In the play A Dolls House, Nora seems to be quite happy with her life and the people in it as she portrays the perfect wife. Into the play you understand that Nora isn’t as put together as she seems. She is more of a determined and ambitious woman as she tackles her debt that her husband doesn’t know about, even though she is in it for him. She is willing to break the law for her husband which shows a loving wife. Torvald loves Nora, but he continuously treats her as if he is her father. Torvald’s control issues stem from him wanting to maintain an appearance in front of the world; which is why they live in a “doll house.” The play includes many themes and symbolism that give a deeper meaning to Nora living in a Dolls house as she notices her true potential and regaining control over her life.

The title A Dolls House refers to the life that Nora lives as a Doll. Nora finally understands what’s been going on in her life and tells her husband "Our home has been nothing but a playroom. I have been your doll-wife" (Isben Act 3). Torvald only like her looks and he likes to dress her up; truly the essence that she a doll of his. Their house is even perfect, yet only …show more content…

For Nora it is used to make her home look cheerier and charming, but as you find out in the story Nora isn’t so happy herself as she is portraying what her husband wants her to be. The tree is decorated like how Nora dresses up her life to please everyone. The Christmas tree represents Nora; it is something you dress up for people to adore. It is ironic that Nora tells the maid not to let the kids see the tree just as she tells her husband he can’t see her in her dress until the dance. In act 2 “The Christmas tree is in the corner by the piano, stripped of its ornaments and with burnt down candle-ends on its disheveled branches” (Isben Act 2), which is just like the state Nora is in at the moment and eludes to her family’s

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