Non Violence Movement Research Paper

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Non Violence movements are more prefered because they are more peace and a not physically threatening anyone. Over the years there has been non violence demonstrations and movements that are all working towards women’s rights or their other goals. There has been many successes over time, but they often do not get the recognition they deserve. Codur and King explain more into details on why women have been neglected from changing societies norms. “Women’s contributions to social and political change have been ignored, perhaps deliberately erased from human history, is now generally accepted” (Kurtz 402). I hate to see how long women have to keep on fighting for different yet similar goals that society negates them from. Women being the inferior group will never receive the recognition of their work over the centuries and will never be treated as equals. …show more content…

This to me seems like a contradiction as women go through there own crisis as they go through the act of childbirth. Women have to be calm and focus as their bodies are being torn apart just so they can hold their brand new child. Potential mothers have to go through their own crisis have time they have a child and if the child has a birth defect well that just added on to the crisis. Who says women cannot be calm in a crisis, but we all know the answer to that. Men. Men have been controlling all aspects of society without releasing how much women are capable of. Maybe this is threatening to men and keeping women small and at bay helps solve that issue and occasionally putting women back into their place helps keep them in line over the

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