Non Serial Killers

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Serial killers in the mindset have very different ideals and thoughts that can contribute to some odd behavior. This article will compare the differences and similarities of serial killers and the general population. Ideals are a form of thought on what a person believes. A serial killer has their own ideas in just the same way as a non serial killer would. But their thoughts can be in different patterns. While the regular person may be thinking about his love for god. The serial killer finds prosperous field of joy in slaughtering people for “the greater good” of it all. This makes people want to question other people about the Sanity in question. Although, a serial killer can be very great at hiding their insanity from everyone with their …show more content…

They treat humans like they are the prey and the serial killers are the hunters looking for a great trophy. Many say that serial killers have mixed so much phantasy with reality that they just don’t know what is real to them anymore and don’t care. There are four different categories for a serial killer. These categories are visionary, hedonistic, power control, visionary and mission orriented. A visionary serial killer suffers from psychological breakdowns with reality and sometimes believes they are another person and are compelled to murder by the word of god or the devil. A mission-oriented killer tries to justify their acts as getting rid of something in the world. Usually a certain type of person. Homosecuals, prostitutes, or a group of people with a different religion are the main targets for this group of serial killers. As an example, the Zebra Killers were only after white …show more content…

Fantasy plays a really high role in the killings of people. Secual pleasure depends on the amount of pain and suffering to to victims. The need for control is very high for this sub type. Gratification is needed to feel one hundred percent glory. Knifes are one of the most used weapons by these killers because of the need to be close to people. Thrill killers have one primary motive. To induce pain and terror in victims which will provide the stimulation and excitement they need to “survive.” Like many drug users they are chasing the adrenaline rush of every hunt they go through. The thrill killers are only about the kill and not what comes before. They are swarmed with happiness when the kill is made and only care about what they want to feel in that point in time. A comfort killer is all about material gain. Family members and close acquaintances are the one mostly killed. After killing a person, the comfort killer will have a grace period where they wait to go again. They use a lot of poison like arsenic to try to kill the person without having to face a confrontation. The main comfort killer are females for the gain in goods. Although, Some of the female killers are

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