Non-Profit Reflection Paper

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When I began this class, I had never had any experience or knowledge on non-profit organizations. After reading the chapters and doing the project for CHASI, I began to realize that non-profit could be my niche. I chose to pursue a degree in criminal justice, because of the many job possibilities, but I never would have imagined non-profit being one of those possible careers for myself. I was raised under the philosophy from both sides of my family, that if you give, you will get in return, I believe this so much and I have witnessed it personally throughout this semester. I have given my time and effort to raise money for people, who I don’t know and who are less fortunate than some, and although I may not receive money or items back in exchange, I get to feel a sense of pride, which is more than enough. So when I went to the nonprofit career website and looked through the job listing, there were many that I was interested in but only a couple that I could actually see myself doing. …show more content…

Chapter 15, of the Bobo book discusses in detail about online organization, I myself use technology to stay organized whether it be my phone, Ipad, or Laptop. I find this to be the most convenient way to stay organized, because I have all the information at my fingertips, during this project for CHASI, I stayed organized with all the documents on my computer, according to Bobo “these are tools and you can use them to organize people” (Bobo, 175). Foundation list, has the duties and responsibilities for the organizing job, technology can be helpful, but email the most helpful, email is “versatile, reliable, and powerful when used correctly,” this can allow you be in touch with your team, while also mobilizing workers (Bobo,

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