No Tax Dollars for Religious Education

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No Tax Dollars for Religious Education

Tax dollars are your money at work. Do you want your money to go to fund private religious schools? Tax dollars should not fund religious education because it is a violation of the separation of church and state clause of the first amendment to the constitution.

Lately we have seen proposals for vouchers. These vouchers are public money given to low income family so they may send their kids to private schools. Most of the schools who use this program are religious. In the Cleveland voucher program we see there were 3,761 children are enrolled and 96 percent of those children are attending religious schools. Also 82 percent of the participating schools were sectarian. This voucher program was challenged in the 6th circuit court with the Simmons-Harris v. Zelman case. It was ruled the Cleveland voucher program “clearly has the impermissible effect on promoting sectarian schools”.

Voucher plans have been brought up in many different places and most of the time they seem to receive the same reactions. They are being shot down a...

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