No Smoking

612 Words2 Pages

Though smoking in hospitals is currently not permissible, the possibility to allow smoking may be brought up; therefore, the inconveniences of cigarette butt littering and smokers gathering at entrances to smoke, along with the dangers of third hand nicotine contamination should reinforce this policy to stay in effect.

Though smoking in hospitals is currently not permissible, the possibility to allow smoking may be brought up; therefore, the inconvenience of cigarette butt littering should reinforce this policy to stay in effect. With regards to a clean and well kept property, proscription of smoking on hospital grounds should continue. Even if smoking was permissible in specific locations, additional funding in the budget would be needed to accommodate for the removal and proper disposal of the cigarette butts. In addition, cigarette butts somehow miss the cigarette butt receptacles, ending up scattered on the ground, in turn, leading to additional time needed for sanitary surroundings. Undoubtedly, continued eradication of smoking on hospital grounds will result in continued avoi...

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