No Second Troy Tone

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Throughout centuries since the start of the human race, writers have been around to help shape the future and inspire the poets, and writers of today, along with help create interesting ideas to help influence their work in order to entertain new readers and inspire upcoming writers. In “No Second Troy” written by William Butler Yeats, the narrator’s thoughts move to the past on a female who had created trouble in her life to the scale to that of Helen of Troy, with the use of imagery, shifts, and rhetorical questions, the narrator reflects on the woman from the past from a viewpoint of love and hardship. Throughout the poem, imagery in order to convey an image inside the reader’s heads, so that they are able to picture what the narrator is trying to allude to. Lines such as “nobleness made simple as a fire”, and “beauty like a tightened bow” to enforce both the period it might have taken place and the tone the story is trying to create with the use of imagery as passive aggressiveness, and sadness. The passive aggressiveness of the poem comes from the bitter feels the narrator has for the woman mentioned in the poem and all the damage she’s done in life, while the sadness comes from being heart broken by the actions of the woman and everything she’s done after. …show more content…

From a bitter sarcastic tone from the start asking “Why should I blame her that she filled my days with misery.”(line1) before the poem moves back into a more of a remembrance feeling with the narrator speaking in past tense about the woman and what she could have done after, before shifting again into irritation about the woman with her actions toward the narrator with having ignorant men turning to violence as mentioned in line 3 of the poem along with her actions after leaving the

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