No Salt Diet Research Paper

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Just what would become of a food's taste if you take out salt in your diet? Many are despising a no salt diet since it rids food of that sumptuous salty taste. Why would one resort to a no salt diet? No salt diet is used to avoid too much sodium retention. A no salt diet or a diet that uses moderate to low quantities of salt is for those with diseases that influence the balance of fluids in one's body. Another reason in going through this salt controlled diet is when decreasing the body fluid will impede the development of a disease. These diseases that require control are severe heart failure, high blood pressure, acute and chronic kidney disease and impaired liver function.

If you're suffering from any of the mentioned ailments, don't fret. …show more content…

Cooking without salt or with little amounts of salt will make your quest for a no salt diet a more manageable endeavor. Taking the saltshaker off the dining table could also do this. Surely, if you are a salty food lover, this will not be easy but taking little steps at a time will work wonders.

2. Learn to make eating unsalted or low sodium food an enjoyable feat. It could only be done through the mind-over-matter psyching. Come on; don't let your tongue rule you. Reiterate to yourself that this no salt diet will benefit the whole you.

3. Do the reading. Food labels are not placed there for any reason. They are for your perusal and analysis if they fit your nutritional needs. Know the ingredients that contain sodium. If you find this tedious, just think of the amount of time you waste with just reading teeny-boppy magazines that inform you nothing about your health but only pointless gossips. Do this for your body.

4. Rinse canned fish and vegetables to remove excess salt. If your again concerned about the food's taste, again, I'm suggesting that you do intrapersonal communication and tell yourself that a little blandness of the food will not hurt as much as you succumb to the sickness that's requiring you to endure this no salt

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