No Kill Shelter Research Paper

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Choosing to adopt from no-kill shelter rather than a kill shelter simply because they do not support the assisted killing of healthy animals only proves an opposition of direct killing of an animal. Any animal shelters purpose is to save lives, with the right amount of funding, initiative programs, and partnerships any shelter can cross the line draw at 90% and become a no-kill shelter. The true difference between a no-kill and a kill shelter is having the moral responsibility to not allow the needless suffering of animals where it can be avoided. When presenting each type of shelter, kill and no kill, with minimal amount of funding and capacity, each will account for their own ethics first before contemplating the morality of their choices. In this scenario, a kill shelter will accomplish the issues of overpopulation avoiding hunger and spread of diseases by euthanizing unwanted animals while being able …show more content…

However, some kill shelters enforce the distasteful policy of temperament testing before an animal can be considered for adoption., May’s case, a pit-bull mix in a high-kill shelter that failed the temperament test required for adoption and was going to be put down if wasn’t for the Northwest Dog Project; a shelter that shuttles animals in a school bus from kill shelters in LA to Oregon to give the animals the second chance they deserve. Radicals would say that kill shelters would rather euthanize than seek out other means of rehabilitation. However, whether a kill shelter rehabilitates an animal to improve temperament depends wholly upon funding. The shelters in the HSUS and ASPCA system have the funding to arrange for behavioral training where other smaller shelters would not. In this case the kill shelter would rather euthanize an animal than jeopardize its credibility with an animal that would attack its potential

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