Nintendo Fake Essay

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Nintendo Switchin It Up
A review of The Nintendo Switch

Around the summer of 2016 the company of Nintendo revealed that they were working on a new console that would change how people played video games, Nintendo would codename this new console The NX. This sparked multiple rumors of what the console looked like and created multiple conspiracies of what this friendly family company was trying to do with their company. Around October of 2016 Nintendo gave insight of what the NX is and it gave the actual name of the console: The Nintendo Switch.
With this trailer people saw that the console was portable, had removable controllers, used cartridges instead of discs like the previous console: The Nintendo Wii U, and the console be played on the …show more content…

I mean I looked up NX theories, but I wanted to see what was real and what was fake,”said sophomore Sharon Zhang.
Another reason people were excited were the games that were coming on it such as the new videogame Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and a remastered Skyrim title. The company also received a large amount of partners for this console compared to the Wii U. Partners such as CAPCOM, SQUARE ENIX, BETHESDA, etc. This showed that Nintendo was stepping up their game and that they are trying to create a family friendly console while also attracting other gamers interested in a portable and handheld console.
“I don’t think people realize how revolutionary this console is as the fact that I can bring a console anywhere I want and play any type of game I want. This technology is cool and advanced it really shows how Nintendo is making a comeback,”says Janaan Hamilton. The Nintendo Switch sales is proof enough that this company is making money as retailers such as gamestop sold out of Nintendo Switches on it’s initial release date. Even other retailers such as walmart and target had to refund customers pre-orders due to the overwhelming rate of

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