Nike Controversy

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According to Consumer Finance, a U.S. government website, informs that, “companies spend about seventeen billion dollars each year on marketing”(ConsumerFinance).This means that companies are spending billions of dollars on billboards, commercials, and ads to get consumer’s attention. Nike alone spends, “a whopping $3 billion on demand creation”(ABC News). Nike is a well-respected shoe company since 1964 that has faced controversy since 1991’s scandal regarding their sweatshops in third world countries. Sweatshops are factories where manual workers are to endure low wages, long hours, and work under poor environmental conditions. Since then, consumers have question Nike’s ethics and truth to their empowerment signature “Just Do It”. Throughout …show more content…

A corporate identity consultant is responsible to create the image of a company/brand. This means that they are in charge on how a consumer may view and feel about a company/brand. For example, Nike is viewed to society as the enhancer to people to go out and “Just Do It”. Chajet finds Nike’s tagline to be inspirational to people and states ‘“what motivates them is “Just Do It”. Just get up and fucking go break a record”(GIG,90). The simple three words don’t necessarily awaken to every consumer, but to the few that do, it gives a motivation to get up and do something extraordinary. Chajet does acknowledge the fact that “ there are charges that the shoes are made in Indonesia and they were paying workers fucking two cents for eight hours of work a day” but “ Companies do things that are incredibly beautiful and also incredibly …show more content…

Although, I do acknowledge that to sell and to gain profit from a product some dues must be paid, but should we put economic enhancement in front of moral and humane values? As a product of my generation I am aware of the huge influence that media and marketing is to my generation. For example, the lack of education or point to the film industry now in days has no inspiration or idea. I took two film section the past semesters and was thankfully introduce to film pieces from F. W. Murnua and Sergei Einstein whom were not looking specifically for fame or money, but to put their voices out there and to make the audience think of social issues during the time or of any issue that society was in need to be aware for change to

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