Night Vale Deviant Analysis

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When looking at Welcome to Night Vale's many deviant acts we find that most of the deviance falls into three categories the first being Night Vale's deviance from the reality of society, the second being individual deviants, and the third being the climatic revolution. Each of these three categories has its own corresponding deviant social organization. Night Vale's deviance from our reality is mostly caused by the difference in the structure of the government, the way those in the town are socialized, and the strict rules that the citizens have to follow. This creates a society where the social norms within it are incommensurable to our own. This form of deviance is essentially only attributed to one factor within Night Vale, and that is …show more content…

. . it's really hard to take him seriously" (Fink and Cranor 6-7). The Apache Tracker and Steve Carlsberg are the main characters who participate in deviance as loners. Steve Carlsberg and the Apache Tracker partake in solitary deviance to an extent they both meet the criteria presented in Katherine Sirles Vecitis' article Drug Use and Disordered Eating Among College Women. The two deviants act alone and do not associate with deviant others, however contrary to the women observed they do not choose to hide their deviant behaviors, rather they exemplify resistance and challenge their social norms while simultaneously accepting their deviance. Welcome to Night Vale does not go into too much detain on how the Apache Tracker deals with his deviance, but it does explain that Steve Carlsberg struggles with his deviant label by saying "It’s not like knowing has made my life easier. Quite the opposite. Quite the opposite." (Fink and Cranor). Even though Steve Carlsberg struggles with his deviant label he still actively participates in deviance and perpetuates his deviant label in hopes of educating people about the truth of Night

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