Nigger Should Be Allowed In School Essay

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There has been a conservers going around about the word Nigger and if we should be able to use the word in the school and if it is appropriate for students our age to hear and use the word. As a high school student myself I'm going to tell you my opinion. I personally think that the word Nigger should be allowed in the books we read at schools and I’m gonna tell you why.
As teenagers we want to be treated like adults. We are coming to that age where we are growing up and we feel like we should be treated like we are. If you take out the word Nigger in our books that we read such as Huckleberry Finn(1), To Kill a Mockingbird (2) and Of Mice and Men (3)you also take out the heavy ness that the authors put on our shoulders. When the authors wrote these books they wrote them with the heaviness of the actual past and how it was. Those books teach us that we need to treat each other the same way despite our colors or we will most likely go back to the way we were. …show more content…

I feel that if you use the word nigger and trust us to take it with us it makes us feel as if you trust us. In an article I read the students had said “Absolutely not, Leave Mark Twain alone. And John Steinbeck. And Harper Lee. We are mature. We have heard worse. We trust our teachers to put the word in context, to teach about the word”(4). We want to be trusted by adults. We want to be treated like we are mature and if we can’t then that’s on us. When we are at school we are in a trusted environment. We trust our teachers. We trust them to teach us. We trust them to show us the way. We want them to trust

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