Nicotine Complacement: A Case Study Of John's Life

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Based on John’s progress in the report card no changes to diet or exercise were needed. At the end of the two month period he had lost 21 pounds. He reported feeling healthier, happier, and his blood sugar and blood pressure levels had decreased substantially. For his second goal to achieve a support system he had only made one friend, which was a neighbor that sometime came over to check on him occasionally throughout the two months. In order to do get John more support I researched some 55 and up communities for John and his wife who stilled lived in the same home that they raised their child in. John was open to the idea of moving to a 55 and up community and downsizing his home and bills. After researching various communities and prices …show more content…

Over the initial two month period he had cut his smoking to 12 out of the 20 cigarettes in the pack. He reported having difficulty fighting the cravings for the cigarettes even with the use of nicotine replacement therapy, which including nicotine patches and nicotine gum. As a result I suggested behavioral therapy or nicotine replacement therapy. John wanted to know if his insurance would cover the behavioral therapy so I called multiple doctors’ offices and found one 45 minutes from his house that would accept his insurance. I gave John the information and asked if he wanted to make an appointment, he had one of his neighbor’s watch his wife with Alzheimer’s and made the appointment for one week out. One week after John’s behavioral therapy appointment I can back to his house to check his progress and he said his therapist helped him identify triggers and plans to get through the cravings and as a result he had stopped smoking 10 out of 20 cigarettes in his pack per day. Upon arrival with John for the next visit he said he had managed to reduce his smoking 12 out of 20 in the pack and his wife had cut back 5 out of 20 a day as well. He reported feeling a little better and had less chest pain then

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