Nicodemus Reflection

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Jesus was severely tempted, more than anyone will ever understand. The devil led Him up on the roof of a temple and antagonized Him. He tried to convince Him that being unfaithful to His Father would highly benefit what He would encounter once He did so. Jesus had no sympathy on Satan and banished him from His sight. He would never rely on Himself, for He knew that fully surrendering to God’s plan was the only way to victory.
John the Baptist was a good man, he baptized, saved, and had compassion for many people. Many people thought he was Christ despite his best efforts to deny any assumptions. The question was always asked that if he wasn’t Christ, why would He even begin to baptize. Elijah was also questioned to be Christ, but he also denied …show more content…

Nicodemus began studying the word of God, He was so anxious to meet Jesus, but when he finally had the opportunity to, He became timid. He felt that he would be humiliated when seeing The Messiah, he didn’t want to seem ridiculous if the chance ever come into contact with Jesus. Once Nicodemus finally met Jesus, he prided himself up on the works he was successful in. Jesus helped Nicodemus realize that his pride getting in the way of what could be a relationship with Him. Jesus continued on telling him that unless he was born again, he could not enter the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus finally believed, was baptized, and a changed man. It’s that simple. We just have to fully …show more content…

A woman who had made many mistakes crossed paths with Jesus, rather than shunning her, He asked her for a drink. This woman would never think a Jew would ask a Samarian for a drink, especially in public. Jesus was patient with this woman, He had pity on her, despite her sins. After curiosity, a few lies, and much discussion, the woman at the well believed in the true Christ. She realized how much her soul thirsted for what only Jesus could quench, and her faith sprang up within her.
I find it amazing how Jesus loved healing people, it made Him so happy to relieve those who were suffering. Jesus was walking down the road, in meditation, when He came upon a man who was suffering from his own sins. This man was waiting for the judgment of Christ, not daring to ask for healing. I love how if one truly believes, He will be healed. No matter what has been previously done, nothing compares to Jesus’ desire to cleanse us. Never have I truly understood that, but I am extremely encouraged to see, especially in this specific chapter, how much Jesus wants to heal us of our

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