Nick's Representation Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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Test 2 Essay Question 1} Gatsby represents the American dream because like many he had hopes and dreams of being successful and wanted to make his life worth wild. In the novel he is seen reaching towards something in sight but undeniably out of reach. This famous image of the green light is often understood as the hopes and dreams of Gatsby’s future. He put a lot of time and effort into his dream. In chapter one he even began to reach toward it in the darkness as a guiding light to lead him to his goal. However, unlike a few he is unable to succeed and accomplish his American dream. Looking at Gatsby life from a far, one might say that he is the epitome of the American dream. He started with nothing and then later gained everything from a …show more content…

Building an opinion about it. Gatsby uses Nick to show that people are not yet treated equally, and that social discrimination still exists. Nick on the other hand is also striving for something. He is a pragmatic man who comes from the middle west and does not share the American dream. Unlike Gatsby he wants to be himself, tolerant, objective, and reliable. The money of the upper class is just a tiny bit of the American dream together with his admiration for the rich east Eggers. Mainly nick’s dream of a pursuit of honesty. In chapter 9 he explains that the American dream originally was about discovery, the pursuit of happiness, and individualism. Nick believes that the ability to create an important symbol constitutes a vital component of the dream which is the way early Americans invested their new nation with their own ideas and values. However easy money or relaxed social values have corrupted this ideal dream, mostly on the east coast. As he often says to himself “I am one of the few, honest people that I have ever known.” Throughout the novel Nick finds himself surrounded by lavish mansions, fancy cars, and an endless supply of material possessions. A drawback to the seemingly limitless excess Nick sees in the Buchanans. This for instance, is a throwaway mentality extending past material goods. Nick explains in the great Gatsby, “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy— They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together and let other people clean up the mess they had made. This quote shows how both Tom and Daisy is frown upon by Nick because of their social status. He began to have a mix of strong reactions to the life on the east coast, which ultimately creates a powerful internal conflict him. This does not get resolved until the end of the novel. Nick

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