Nickel And Dimed Humor

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A Closer Look at Humor: An Analysis of Ehrenreich’s View
In Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed, the author frequently focuses on the demeanor and appearance of the people she meets and sees during her research trips. Throughout the book she makes witty, opinionated comments that can easily be taken out of context. Because of this, her wisecracks convey the impression of her being narrow-minded. Also, these comments do not help her with any of her arguments because of how she comes off. Ehrenreich improper use of humor puts across the impression of her being biased.
Ehrenreich’s “biting humor” gives off the sense of her stereotypical views, bluntly stating her biased opinions. Some of these views are understandable, and sometimes even excusable, considering her background of high education and/or lack of personal experience that is like majority of the people she encounters throughout her journey. However, there are points in which her wisecracks go too far. During her time in Florida, there is a point when four of her tables fill up at once. When a customer from a table of British tourists complains, she states, “Princess Di refuses to eat her chicken strips with her pancake and sausage special since, as she now reveals, the strips were meant to be an appetizer.” (p. 47). She also refers to another table of customers as “yuppies” (p. 47). When making these stereotypical judgments of people, she puts herself on a pedestal, almost as if she disregards the fact that she may fall under the same category of those whom she is making the comments about. When she references the food at the location of second job she takes in Florida, she begins describing it with: “Picture a fat person’s hell, and I don’t mean a place with no food.” (p. 29)....

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... in her favor. Alzheimer’s isn’t preventable nor is it something that when someone has it, they can be compared to “wizened toddlers at a tea party.” That statement was uncalled for and unnecessary. It doesn’t work in her favor because it makes her seem ignorant.
Ehrenreich’s views throughout the book do not help her with getting the reader to agree with her. Her use of humor is more offensive than funny. She put herself in a position where she didn’t go into this project open-minded. She kept her own views, which got in the way of seeing people for who they are. She sarcastically makes fun of her place if work, when she didn’t out herself in the place of the people there. She also mocks people to the extent where it isn’t just a little side comment, but a rude, biased statement. Ehrenreich use of humor in Nickel and Dimed contains too much of an opinionated twist.

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