Nick Cage

601 Words2 Pages

Hello, I am Dr. Ben Sheppard and I am preparing several astronauts to visit the Bell nebula to visit the strange planet of Nicolas Cage. I hope to prepare you astronauts well but surviving on Nicolas Cage will not be easy. This is why I have decided to compile a field guide to prepare you for your journey. PLEASE FOLLOW MY ADVICE VERY CAREFULLY!
Perception (Noun) the way you think or understand something. Perception can be a funny thing astronauts. Why, perception is a nasty thing and it can play some dirty tricks on you. However, do not let perception be a bully to you and ruin your adventure to the planet Nicolas Cage. For example say you have a beautiful purple and gold sweatshirt that you believe brings good luck as you have worn it to the following: your lovely Bat Mitzvah, the time you hit that homerun and won the game, or just even when you found a shiny penny on the ground. This sweater thing being lucky is complete rubbish in fact its confirmation bias. The reason I am warning you on this is if issue you a warning that on Nicolas Cage world their be a large amount of de...

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