New York and Chicago During the 1920's

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New York and Chicago During the 1920's The 1920's was a huge decade for

the phenomena known as "Jazz". Due to the closing of the seaport in New

Orleans, musicians were forced to travel up the Mississippi to find work.

Two of the cities most affected by this move were Chicago and New York.

Chicago was home primarily for New Orleans traditional music during the

1920's. From this New Orleans style came four major types of jazz:

Boogie-Woogie, Chicago Jazz, Urban Blues, and Society Dance Bands. Because

of the ever-growing popularity of nightclubs during Prohibition, these

styles of jazz thrived so musicians were guaranteed jobs. The popularity

of the phonograph also provided a huge boost to the music industry during

the 1920's. Boogie-Woogie was a style of improvised piano music played

during the '20's in Chicago. It got its start in the mining areas of the

Midwest. The rolling, repetitious style was the beginning of the

Midwestern shuffle style. The second type of jazz popular during this time

was Chicago Jazz. It was played mostly by white musicians. Chicago Jazz

tended to be very aggressive and usually ended abruptly. Since Chicago had

more nightclubs than New York, it held a bigger attraction for musicians.

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