New York City Comparison Essay

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I had just landed in New York City and it hit me that we are not in California, Missouri anymore. Everything is different: the way of transportation, the prices for goods are outrageous, the amount of people, and just the way of life. Nothing is comparable from where I have grown up. Growing up in a town where there is only one stoplight, to being in this gigantic city where there is a stoplight on every corner changes your whole perspective of a place. The way people live their lives in New York is very different from how people in California, Missouri live their lives. Transportation in large cities is a must, but with so many people in such a small area, things are easier said than done. Drivers drive fast everywhere, trying to get to their destination and with all the cars honking their horns, it looks and sounds like a huge mess. Everyone only cares for where they need to be. People are running on the sidewalks, taxi’s are being whistled from every direction, and the subway roaring from under the ground packed like sardines in a can. The two most common types of transportation that I noticed was by taxi and the subway. …show more content…

Compared to the small town of California, Missouri, with the population 4,285, there is a big difference in size. New York is the big apple. People that live in New York live in such a much larger scale, everything is bigger; the crowds, buildings, and the lights. New York City never stops going, all the lights continue shining and the crowds keep pouring in. For example, at one o’clock in the morning New York will still be popping, as in California, not a soul would be seen. New York City has nearly 32,000 police officers, working on every street and every corner. They were all over the place. I was constantly hearing sirens blaring, whether it was the police, firefighters, or EMS. Only on rare occasions it seems that the city of California hears sirens. In the end, size makes the

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