New Political Philosophy for Russia

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New Political Philosophy for Russia

ABSTRACT: Both domestic and foreign policies of each state presuppose a certain ideology as a foundation. In a broad sense, an ideology may be regarded as a certain 'system of coordinates,' an interpretational model of the world (Weltanschauung) including both empirico-theoretical (realizing a nation's place in regional and global contexts, with a clear understanding of national interests, goals and resources) and metatheoretical (comprehending a nation in the context of human history and culture) levels. Some of the main issues on the agenda in Russia are the clear understanding and definition of national goals and interests, the formulation of a strategy of development in economic, -social, political, etc., arenas, and the establishment of both domestic and foreign policy. I suggest that Russia currently does not have an ideology or a system of values able to unite the society. In short, I argue that Russia needs a new strategy of development, a new national idea which can replace (or fill the vacuum left by the collapse of) the old communist ideology.

Both domestic and foreign policies of each state presuppose a certain ideology (philosophy) as a foundation to be based on. In a broad sense an ideology may be regarded as a certain "system of coordinates", an interpretational model of the world ("Weltanschauung"), combining both empirico-theoretical level (the realization of the country's place in regional and global context, the clear understanding of national interests, goals and resources) and metatheoretical (an existential comprehension of the country in the context of human history and culture).

One of the main issues on the agenda in Russia is the clear understanding and definit...

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...iness to repulse invasion, which in foreign policy was expressed in so called concept of "concentric circles". In present days the remains of the "superpower" ideology as well as the idea of "one and indivisible" Russia still exist in social consciousness. This phenomena may explain public support to Russian nationalist ("patriotic") political forces and the striving for integration with Belorussia and with other former Soviet republics.

The "sustainable development" concept may contribute to mobilizing communities for practical actions, to social coalition-building and may become one of the basis of the national strategy of development. The entire logic of it's implementation will encourage Russia to play the role of a "bridge", linking the East and the West, will orient national foreign policy at co-operation and not at confrontation with the rest of the world.

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