New Deal Dbq

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In October 1929, the United States faced its greatest crisis since the Civil War. The Wall Street Stock Market collapsed and with that came the end of the infamous “Roaring 20’s.” In the mist of calamity and desolation, Franklin D. Roosevelt came into power in 1933 with his famous line, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself,”(IIP Digital | U.S. Department of State), along with his New Deal. Though some might argue that his quick decisions and irrational thinking might have undermined capitalism, to some extent, the New Deal tried to save it. With the New deal came the help for so many Americans who were suffering during the Great Depression. It established many Acts that helped Americans through hardships and strengthen banking and securities. Within the New Deal are Banking and Finance, Unemployment, Industry and Labor, and Agricultural Act that were passed to help strengthen then American economy during such a bleak time and the faith of the American people in it’s government.
President Roosevelt entered office with banks being hammered to the ground. Rapidly the banks were closed and only were allowed to reopen if they were solvent. “The administration adopted a policy

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