New Deal Dbq

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The New Deal has been one of the most influential governmental policies in American history. It was led by Franklin D. Roosevelt to provide relief to millions of Americans who lived in fear after losing their jobs, homes, and hope during The Great Depression. Soon after The New Deal was implemented, Americans started criticizing such plan. Many felt that too much had been offered, but too little had been achieved. Others believed the new policies offered by Franklin D. Roosevelt had in fact expanded governmental activity and its regulatory role weakened the autonomy of American business. Critics came from both sides of the political spectrum including the Supreme Court. Representative William Lenke from North Dakota, Francis Townsend a California physician, Father Charles Coughlin a Catholic priest from Detroit, and Senator Huey P. Long from Louisiana were other famous radicals who opposed The New Deal. These critiques argued and believed that The New …show more content…

Many of which others believed The New Deal was going against basic principles in the American Constitution. These people along with the Supreme Court believed the government should not interfere with the nation's economy, much less help the poor. Just as the laws had been passed, they were later viewed as unconstitutional by The Supreme Court and resulted in many of them getting vetoed. The American Liberty League organization formed in 1934, one year after The New Deal had been established. The league wanted to end The New Deal. Their objective was to "teach the necessity of respect for the rights of persons and property and the duty of government to encourage and protect individual and group initiative and enterprise, to foster the right to work, earn, save and acquire property, and to preserve the ownership and lawful use of property when acquired" (Rudolph, 20). They too though of The New Deal as unconstitutional and wanted to end

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