New Deal Dbq

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The Great Depression was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the United States which lasted from 1929 throughout 1939. The Great Depression started soon after the stock market crash on October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors and sent money down the drain for many. The president during this time, Herbert Hoover made matters even worse. Instead of giving the people what they wanted which was jobs and money he believed in giving money to big businesses which would create jobs. This was a good idea but the problem of this was that it would take time so that there can be a positive effect and the country needed something to happen right away. On March 4, 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt took the oath of office to become the United States of America 32nd President. The country was in the middle of its worst economic crisis in history. Since the market crash, over $75 billion in capital had been lost on Wall Street. The national product had plummeted from $104 billion to a dip of $74 billion. The United States exports had also fallen to by 62 percent. …show more content…

Roosevelt made a lot of positive outcomes towards the country with his new plan. He restored confidence in the American people so that they can pick their heads up and continue moving forward. Roosevelt also gave the people what they truly wanted which was work to earn money for their families who truly needed it. Millions of people were given work in government projects. These government jobs also came in a positive outcome which helped the common people like the building of schools, roads and hospitals. It was a win win to the country. Roosevelt also rescued the banking system from collapse and saved

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