New Deal Dbq

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In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was democratic, became president. The New Deal was implemented by president Franklin D. Roosevelt and was based on three R’s, which stood for relief, recovery, and reform. The purpose of the New Deal was to get America out of the Great Depression, which started in president Herbert Hoover presidency. The first hundred days, of Roosevelt’s New Deal, included repealing of prohibition, fireside Chats, and Bank holidays. The Repeal of Prohibition made it legal to drink alcohol, and allowed the government to tax it, which put money into the economy. Fireside chats were radio broadcasting by Roosevelt, which allowed the American public to be informed about what was going on throughout WWI, and allowed the president to speak directly to the public. The Bank Holiday closed banks from March 6 to March 10, which relieved panic from citizens.
Franklin D. Roosevelt …show more content…

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was put in place to modernize the Tennessee and Appalachian mountain region to have electricity and to hopefully fuel more jobs and a better economy. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) took the opposite approach by going into the cities and giving people jobs in developing places like Appalachian mountain region. As a result, more and more jobs are coming out of these developing areas, which is helping the economy by citizens spending more money, and paying more taxes. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration aided citizens after natural

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