Neonatal Nurse Admission Essay

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Every teenager or young adult has experienced that adult leaning over them and asking "What do you want to be when you’re older?” At first it was fun. "A fireman" "A policeman” “A teacher,” but after a while it got tedious. We have come to fear that question and now that I'm older, not knowing an answer strikes my heart with terror. However, I can’t avoid my future forever and like many teenagers my age I’m confused as to what I want to do. My career choice right now is a neonatal nurse specialist but of course that can always change.
“Neonatal nursing is a subspecialty of nursing that works with newborn infants born with a variety of problems ranging from prematurity, birth defects, infection, cardiac malformations, and surgical problems.” A neonatal nurse takes care of newborn children born with problems. The nurse will normally take care of the child for the first month of birth; however, some children can be sick for months. Three related job titles to a neonatal nurse will be a perinatal nurse, who helps women during pregnancy to assure a healthy child, a prenatal nurse, who helps deliver the child, and lastly a pediatrician, who cares for the child until he/she turns 18. …show more content…

Catherine University in St. Paul, the demand for neonatal nurse practitioners is humongous. While the job market for nurses is extremely tight, the demand for this job is expected to grow. From 2008-2018 the demand should increase around 22%. However some may argue that the increase will be higher for neonatal nurses. Unfortunately, there will always be sick newborns that need to be taken care of, furthermore, assuring the career of a neonatal nurse. Generally, the more training, certifications, experience, etc. a nurse has the more demand there will be for his/her skill

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