Neoliberalism Research Paper

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Neoliberalism is a new approach to economic and social problems in today’s society. As a departure from past political governing styles, Neoliberalism centers around the idea of taking a majority of the power from state and releasing it to the individual. As stated in A Brief History of Neoliberalism, “Neoliberalism is in the first instance a theory of political economic practices that proposes that human well-being can best be advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills within an institutional framework characterized by strong private property rights, free markets, and free trade.” (Harvey 2005: 2). While the state’s power becomes limited, the people are now given the chance to develop the political economic system that they find most beneficial, rather than the government. As Neoliberalism grew to be a favored political economic system, it let to the worldwide development of four other concepts: globalization, privatization, financialization, and inequality. Each concept is connected to and has a direct influence over the others. It is largely through these related concepts that the average individual with feel the influence of neoliberalism in their businesses as well as personal lives. When globalization was created, business transactions became a global affair. To …show more content…

Chris Christie created the state Privatization Task Force to review privatization opportunities within state government and identify barriers. In its research, the task force not only identified estimated annual savings from privatization totaling more than $210 million, but also found several examples of successful efforts in other states. As former mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell saved $275 million by privatizing 49 city services. Chicago has privatized more than 40 city services. Since 2005, it has generated more than $3 billion in upfront payments from private-sector leases of city assets (Nichols

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