Negative Self Talk Assignment

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From the self talk assignment I realized a couple things about myself I never have picked up on before. The self talk assignment was to focus on “what are you saying to yourself? At what time do you notice the self talk? How often do you notice positive self talk? How often do you notice negative self talk? And under what circumstance do you most self talk? These questions were a way to get yourself thinking about how often you self talk, because most people don't even realize themselves doing it. And a way to learn about yourself from answering the questions.

From the self study i learned that i never shut up in my head. I'm always commenting on something, worrying about who knows what, or just lost in thought all the time. I learned …show more content…

I need to take what i've learned about myself, and change it up to help better myself. To start, i really want to focus on the time management aspect and the negative self talk i had experienced through the study. I learned that my time management skills are poor, and need some work. I plan to improve this problem by starting a planner with assignments, test, quizzes and due dates to stay on top of things. Also to designate certain times of the week to get work done for the things written in my planner. The negative self talk primarily isn't a bad thing but to the extent i go with it…. It's a little extensive. My first plan or action to resolve this issue would be to get more sleep. I feel i don't reach the desired amount of sleep i need every night, and that i'm cutting myself short by staying up so late. The second plan will be to keep an open mind about being in the classroom and doing assignments. Look into the future, and go one day at a time and remind myself this will all be worth it one day. For my negative self talk at work, i plan to discuss with my co-workers the issues i have. Instead of being inside my own head just upsetting myself further i need to express my thoughts, hopefully to make the work day more

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