Negative Racial Stereotypes

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What are some prevalent perceptions of Africa? Poverty, primitivism, inferior? These are commonly misunderstood stereotypes of Africa. In Laura Green article the “Negative Racial Stereotypes and their Effect on Attitudes towards African-Americans” she explain that Stereotypes are "cognitive structures that contain the perceiver's knowledge, beliefs, and expectations about human groups”. Stereotypes of Africa and Africans can be dated back to slavery. Slavery is a prominent contributor to the development of stereotypes about Africans. Western societies over the past hundreds of year have portrayed Africans as being primitive and inferior. How have western stereotypes helped to instill a rather one sided story about Africa and Africans? The …show more content…

In Chimamanda Adichie Ted Talk: “The Danger of the Single Story” she elaborated on the terms, African authenticity. Here she explained that her novel was not considered authentic because it does not replicate the stereotypes of Africa. She was dismayed by this comment because her novel reflects where she is originated from, which is Nigeria. This is essential because countries in Africa have different cultures and beliefs. Some countries are developed with booming economy, while others are still in the primitive state. This context can be attributed to African artwork in western societies because artwork that does not include some form of wildlife or underdeveloped environment is not considered authentically African. A good example of a primitive Artwork would be “San eland rock painting, South Africa (no date)”. This is one of many artwork that illustrates the primitive side of …show more content…

This is more impactful than artwork and movies because most of the information is conveyed as reality and it reaches a broader audience. Advertisement that visualizes starving Africans with no running water sends a message out that can be perceived wrongly. These advertisements greatly influences Individuals' beliefs about Africa. People then view these problems as a general issue in Africa rather than an issue in a single country. As I have mentioned before the majority of the Ads are there to help under privilege individuals, but it also influences how the youths growing up visualize Africa. Making Ads as specific and direct will gradually influence how people look at the Continent of Africa. Mentioning the specific country that the ads are directed towards is more beneficial and it contributes towards reducing

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