Negative Essay: Use And Use Of Social Media

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Social Media Social media is an electric media application that can use everyone to communicated and make a socialitation to someone that we want it. Social media also one of the most important part to do a communication. It can use anytime and everywhere if we want to use it. Social media including use as the most important communication tool that always used by humans. Because we can do communication and we can know the information from someone not only from a short distance but even a long distanced that information can be achieved by all the social media application. Besides that, social media also using by human to support every human life. The communication tool is also the most important part in every individual life that can not be separated. Social media that used daily by the users can also be harmful, because there are many users who want to take advantage of the opportunity for its own benefit. Often many users who follow to spread false information because they all do not understand well in using social media applications. …show more content…

Such negative impact like the information that circulating on the social media is also not guaranteed the truth. The sites that use are very diverse also often disseminate information that deviates from the real situation. The distribution of pornographics content is also often widely accesble and open withim any existing in social media. Besides that, much information spread in social media which still not one hundred percent fully guaranteed. So each users is required to understand well which information is correct and which are not

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