Negative Essay On Cheating

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Cheating teaches students to pass the test or quiz, but not learn the material. Cheating has been evolving as time goes on by technology use or just simply looking at other students work. According to New Oxford American Dictionary cheating is an act of dishonesty in order to gain an advantage (Stevenson). While this definition is still true it needs to be expanded to include frequency, method, motivation, and punishment. As time goes on cheating becomes more and more prevalent and a more convenient way to simply get good grades while attending school. Cheating occurs while taking tests, quizzes, or just a 10-point assignment. This is happening all around us, even in our school, Hampton-Dumont. In today’s society cheating has increased, with the help of technology the method and frequency have …show more content…

The frequency of cheating has had an impact on students school work, both positive and negative. “A study found that 64% of college students reported cheating in 1964; and then in 1980 it had increased to 76%” (Hsiao). With these types of results imagine what the percentage is up to now. A recent study proves that cheating is increasing, “Between 75% and 98% of college students surveyed each year reported having cheated in high school” (Anderman). Looking at the difference between those two statistics there is quite the difference. Cheating in today’s society can vary, students and even some teachers are doing this. Another study reported that over 22 public high schools around the country, 59% of juniors and seniors mentioned that they had cheated in the past year (McCabe and Katz). That study only reported 22 high schools around the country, but it not only happens in those 22 high schools it happens everywhere, even here in Hampton, Iowa. The neighbor sitting right next to you might be cheating off of you to help them improve their score and get a better grade. It happens all around us but may never realize

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