Understanding Bulimia Nervosa: A Comprehensive Analysis

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Hating your body is one of the worst things that can ever happen to a person, and thoughts, of just how to be perfect can ruin a person.There are many other eating disorders, there will only be discussion about one for now. Bulimia Nervosa; often is called Bulimia, it can be categorized into two different groups. Such as non-purging and purging. Bulimia has no known cause for this illness, bulimia affects mostly females aged from late teens to early adulthood.But males have the illness too. Signs of Bulimia include: Eating lots of high calorie/ high fat foods. Feeling bad about oneself after a binge. Feeling ashamed and depressed about one’s eating habits. Feelings that habits are out of control. (Eating disorders and weight control 26) According to Eating Disorders And Weight Control , Bulimia, Bulimia Nervosa- also called the “binge-purge syndrome” Sufferers alternatively binge on large quantities of food and then purge the food by making themselves vomit or taking diuretics or laxatives or all of the above.Bulimia is a mental disorder that usually affects young women aged from late teens to early thirties. As well as some men. (115) Bulimia takes over your life. It can cause you to be become …show more content…

According to Health Research Funding.org, The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 1.1% to 4.2% of females have bulimia at some point in their lives. Genetics are also a major factor in Bulimia. Bulimics also tend to be n women even though men do have it, that are attracted to the same sex.I literally hate this paper. So if someone happens to be gay, they’ll be more likely have the disorder than if they were a straight male. If they were not a teenage girl they’d be more likely to not have to disorder/illness. Bulimia Nervosa is considered a disorder and a disease. Bulimia can last for years or be life-long. Even though it can be self-diagnosed, it’s mainly treated by therapist and other medical

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