Negative Effects On College Drinking

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Every year, drinking affects college students, as well as college communities, and families. Part of growing up, beginning a college career acquiring new found freedoms is to learn how to balance responsibilities and consequences when poor choices are made. The penalties of drinking may be minimal if one does not partake in excess. However, binge drinking has reached epidemic proportions on many college campuses. Numerous students, school organizations such as fraternities and sororities, upper level students and other people around campus condone it. This places immense pressure on the incoming freshmen to fit in and may lead them to party more and focus on their academic studies less. Virtually all college students are affected by drinking, whether directly or indirectly. Even if the student doesn’t drink; noisy dorm hallways or a roommate who has had too much to drink can keep them up. The problem with college drinking is not necessarily the drinking itself, but the negative consequences that result from excessive drinking. Statistics show that 80 percent of college students drink alcohol, with half of that number drinking heavily or binge drinking regularly. This leads to academic problems for the …show more content…

One of the most astounding statistics that we found online was more than 150,000 students a year develop a health related problem caused by alcohol consumption, but the problems don’t stop at illness. Additionally, 1.5 percent of college students admit to attempting suicide within the past year due to binge drinking and drug use. Binge drinking is clearly a problem all over the country at college campuses and needs to be better understood and prevented. We are sending our young people to these establishments to get an education not to drink themselves to death. Our initial hypothesis that there would be an inverse correlation between alcohol consumption and degree rigorousness and validity was

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