Negative Effects Of Sports Essay

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Sports have played an important role in society throughout the years, and can be traced through history as an important means towards bringing people together and developing culture. In recent years, emphasis on sports both professionally and recreationally has begun to increase as society begins to focus and aspire towards the accomplishments of elite athletes. At the same time, awareness of the negative consequences of sports is also spreading as recent research is becoming known to the public. In my project, I will research and examine the various positive and negative outcomes from playing a sport, focusing on the physical, mental, psychological, and academic effects sports influence in the life of a student-athlete. POSITIVE PHYSICAL EFFECTS However, sports have many negative effects on the physical health of youth. The most common example is injuries. Hundreds of thousands of high school athletes get injured each year, with injuries ranging in severity from a small wound to broken bones, concussion, and torn ligaments. Without proper training and prevention, injuries are a constant risk which athletes may be subjected to at any time. As sports become increasingly prevalent in modern society, the level of difficulty and commitment towards sports increases as well. From a young age, children are beginning to specialize in sports and practice hours each week to achieve perfection. However, this can cause burnout and overuse injuries later on. Recent research by the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine has revealed that literature stating that fifty percent of injuries are overuse injuries underestimates the negative side effects of such injuries. The increased pressure to excel at sports has also led to the use of stero... ... middle of paper ... ...eign business investment. However, the aftermath of the genocide left mental and social scars on the citizens of Rwanda which are not as easily resolved. Despite this, the charity called “Cricket Without Boundaries” has helped in rebuilding Rwanda society by creating a system in which cricket is taught to children across the country. This helps in connecting local communities through cricket while linking the sport of HIV/AIDS awareness.Through the spread of cricket, the country has slowly been able to unite once again after facing tragedy two decades ago. Although the effects of “Cricket Without Boundaries” may not seem obvious in general overviews of the welfare of the country, its effects on local communities and societies in solving underlying issues which remained from the genocide are undeniable. NEGATIVE EXAMPLE IN HBO DOCUMENTARY “STATE OF PLAY” CONCLUSION

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