Negative Effects Of Reality Tv

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Reality TV shows have become a very popular form of entertainment in modern culture since the end of the last century. This type of television programming has become very attractive to viewers because of the authenticity of the shows, plotlines, and riveting characters. Reality television has been extremely popular amongst teen and pre-teen viewers, which is quite disturbing considering the negative impacts that these shows have. Although some believe that reality tv shows are just a harmless use of entertainment, they do in fact have the ability to affect the behavior of teenagers. Reality TV shows influence teens to party and drink excessively and to engage in a violent and reckless manner. Therefore, in order to avoid the inappropriate behavior …show more content…

Studies show that children in middle childhood spend about 3 hours per day using media, most of which is television. During this time period, children show an increased interest in entertainment that is fast and more complex as opposed to slow-paced educational programs (Vossen 5). They also prefer television that contains more action and violence, involving complicated characters and a sophisticated plotline. However, the nature of the show differs between boys and girls. While many girls enjoy real-life entertainment, boys remain attracted to fantasy content. This explains why many boys are interested in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc. Children in middle childhood also have a different character preference than children in early childhood, because they have a “greater focus on the psychological characteristics of media characters” (Vossen 6). Children automatically are attracted to characters that they can relate to. Particularly characters that have the same traits as them and remind them of their own personality. This is another factor that contributes to the popularity of reality tv shows. Reality shows depict real life people and the obstacles that they have to face everyday in various relationships. People naturally find reality tv shows relatable, …show more content…

In American culture, the effects of violence and the dangers of recreational sex have caused huge controversy especially in young people. It is the nature of people in modern society to believe that sex can just be done for fun and love is not required. Particularly sex presented in TV programs teaches children that they can have sex with as many partners as they want without consequences for the irresponsible behavior. The fact that STDs, sex education, and birth control are rarely mentioned in TV programs is very disappointing. Children and young adults need to be educated on certain issues and not be encouraged to behave carelessly, because they will be forced to suffer the consequences eventually (Yeghiazaryan 8). Likewise, television is a business and it thrives off of major themes involving violence and sex. The television companies strive to maximize their viewers by entertaining them, therefore, “The TV industry is not concerned with issues of quality of programs and social responsibilities. Violence on TV is used as a tool to generate large audiences that can be sold to advertisers” (Yeghiazaryan 9). Television producers believe that violent scenes with loud music hold the viewers’ attention and improve commercial value. This is why it is more ideal to have programs that consist of violent actions. As a matter

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