Nature And Religion

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In my eyes, nature is an extremely powerful aspect of life. It not only serves as a valuable part of people's everyday interests but it holds major importance to their lives. I feel that nature was created as the way it is by God to be something of legitimate meaning to each of us. God created an absolute awesome world filled with amazing surroundings in nature. The forests, oceans, deserts, and many more examples all symbolize the amazing power of God. Nothing in nature was created by God without a purpose. Nature is not only visually inspiring but emotionally. We all should feel entitled to protect nature just as we would other people. This includes the environment and all animals because they all have meaning in life. Furthermore, nature …show more content…

I believe that our treatment of nature goes hand in hand with our treatment of other people. On another note, we are all responsible for being stewards of the world and all that entails. This entails conserving nature and treating it with the appropriate dignity. The world cannot maintain peace and order by itself, it needs a concerted and cooperative effort on behalf of all people. Purely thinking back and being aware of what Jesus would do in the situation is necessary for this. Jesus did everything for a reason and we must do the same when it comes to nature. In addition, the world was created to have tremendous beauty and potential for a reason. So, with great power comes great responsibility. Natural resources, national parks, water, and countless more valuable aspects of nature need to be held in high esteem. Likewise, people must be careful not to potentially harm the environment from ways such as fossil fuels and CFCs. No resources are endless and they must be proportionally and respectfully utilized by people. This all traces back to being a steward of the world: people must influence others' respect for nature along with their …show more content…

It's very unfortunate that a lack of empathy is such a prominent issue in today's world. Another problem I see in life is people's disrespect for their elders. Many young people today, even myself sometimes, are too focused on electronics and their minor daily matters. Their priorities are often centered more toward screwing around with their peers or playing with their technological "toys." Essentially, many young people are ignorant but it's certainly a fixable issue. Modern culture, particularly in America, breeds ignorance for teens. One more issue I see in life today is the inability of people to focus on community. Selfish, narcissistic traits are running rampant in the world which is very unfortunate. These traits trace back to how today's society wants everything immediately and all for themselves. People choose not to donate to churches and community service organizations because they'd rather keep money for themselves to dispose of. Materialism has infiltrated the world and it sparks selfish attitudes. Life's problems that I believe most prevalent are also all fixable. But to fix them, it takes both time and

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