National Crime Victimization Survey

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National Research Council. (2003). Read "Measurement Problems in Criminal Justice Research: Workshop Summary" at Retrieved September 11, 2017, from

In chapter 2 this article discusses The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and its issues with accurate reporting. It explains how the NCVS is one of the oldest and largest crime victimization studies to date. Also, the NCVS is used widely throughout the United States as a reference point on statistics on crime and crime victimization. The NCVS methods on these surveys are conducting interviews both in person and over the phone of those who have reported being a victim of a crime. This article explains the errors that come along with …show more content…

This article starts out first by listing the past theories and how the relate to the current theories of today. These theories include the Classical theory (punishment can deter criminal activity), Biological Positivism (Biological and mental traits at birth make people more prone to crime), Sociological Theory (Social status is determinant of criminal behavior), Psychological Theory (Negative experiences/incomplete mental development contribute to criminal behavior, and Anthropological Theory (Criminal behavior determined by physiological traits). These theories main ideas can be found in many of the current theories we have today. These theories include Rational Choice Theory (Crime can be prevented by punishments), Contemporary Choice Theory (Behavior is determined by biological traits), Psychodynamic Trait Theory (Criminal behavior caused by the ego, Social Structure Theory (Living conditions cause crime), and Social Conflict Theory (The government is causing increased criminal activity). This article also gives some information on criminal behavior related to genetics. Recently, in the last few years genetics have been playing a bigger role in determining what causes crimes. This article gives us a few statistics; those who are adopted but have biological parents who have committed crimes are more likely to commit a crime as well and babies who showed less self-control from 0 to 3 weeks are more likely to commit crimes in the future. The role of genetics in the cause of crime will continued to be

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