Narrative and Genre Features in the Opening Sequence of Pulp Fiction

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Narrative and Genre Features in the Opening Sequence of Pulp Fiction

A narrative is the story itself and generic features are elements

expected to be contained within a certain category of film.

Pulp Fiction is labeled as a gangster film; however gangster films

follow very precise generic elements such a death, contraband’s,

violence, wealth and strong family loyalties.

Pulp Fiction doe follow the above mentioned elements but the locations

of the action are unorthodox. Screen gangster activities tend to take

place in sophisticated up market places as gangsters tend to be

perceived as sophisticated and highly respected and feared individuals

in society. This is a generic convention which is usually followed

strictly; however the action in Pulp Fiction takes place in everyday

places in broad daylight.

Gangster films also tend to follow the rise and fall structure, where

the main character goes from rages to riches and back to rags again or

ends up dead. This is a form of Aristotelian narrative. Pulp Fiction

has a circular narrative; it begins and ends in the same scene,

opposed to an Aristotelian narrative. However Pulp Fiction contains

three smaller Aristotelian narratives within its main story.

In the opening sequence of Pulp Fiction we see two characters dressed

casually. Therefore immediately see that Pulp Fiction is subverting

generic conventions and traditions because traditionally screen

gangsters wear well-fitted smart suits. There is also a female

gangster. This is almost unheard of except for in ‘Bonnie and Clyde’.

The second of the two opening characters is an English man. This is

also a subversion of conventions...

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...tion by sarcasm. For example ‘… can I have a bite of your

burger?’ ‘…may I wash it down with a drop of your tasty sprite?’ These

are both rhetorical questions which are not ment to be answered. By

asking such questions Jools is demeaning the college kids and giving

himself a great sense of self importance.

Before Vincent and Jools shoot Brett, Jools gives a theatrical

performance of a passage of the bible. This appears to give Jools a

sense of self importance. This subverts generic conventions. It’s

unusual for a character to turn a murder into a theatrical

performance. In the next scene this narrative is left behind and a new

one unfolds.

To conclude Pulp Fiction is one of a kind. It tends to break all the

conventions set in place for a traditional gangster film, however it

does it successfully and with style.

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